Триобет не выводят деньги уже больше месяца , сначала просили копию паспорта , потом копию счета за ком. услуги , все подтвердили. Ставлю на вывод -отменяют требуют копию карты , и это при том что я не использую карту
Тут вон 10 лямов вывели человеку, скорее на абузинг подозревают, скрины есть? сколько депал во что играл итд
Депала со скрила , подтвердили все доки и просто морозятся : Albin : Hi, my name is Albin. Lyudmila: Hi Lyudmila: where is my withdrawal? Albin: Hi, thank you for contacting us. Albin: At the moment we are excperiencing delays with our withdrawals. Albin: I am really sorry bout this. Lyudmila: lol Lyudmila: yes 1 month delays Albin: I am really sorry that this situation has occured. I truly understand that it might feel frustrating. Thank you so much for your understanding. Lyudmila: what is the probelm! Lyudmila: i dont care about your delays Lyudmila: just pay money Lyudmila: yesterdays problems today promelms Albin: I am of course really sorry about this whole situation. Albin: Our ambition is of course that we will make it right as soon as possible. Albin: But in the mean time I am afraid I will have to ask for your patience. Lyudmila: i dont need soon Lyudmila: standart terms 24 hours Lyudmila: 1 month passed Albin: I understand, I am really sorry about this. Lyudmila: i dont need your apologies Lyudmila: yesterday you said me that you cant contact relevant departament today that you have delays Lyudmila: lol